Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More residential break-ins occuring in our neighborhood

In the middle of the night, Christmas Eve, a home on Kensington Drive was burglarized. The front door was kicked in and many items were stolen. Luckily, another person in the neighborhood saw this and called the police. No one was arrested.

To protect the homeowner, I won't post the address or location of the home. We're seeing more and more violent crime in Roseville, including residential break-ins. I've been trying to get the Roseville Police Department and the Roseville City Council to change their priorities. Instead of chasing people who drive 3 MPH over the speed limit, they need to start patrolling our neighborhoods. Crime is on the rise and the Roseville Police Department and Roseville City Council is focusing on writing traffic tickets to increase revenues. If you disagree with this and agree that stopping crime is a priority, please contact these people and let you voices be heard, otherwise the bad guys will end up winning! You can also contact me if you need more specific information.

Start with these email addresses:

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